Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You obviously don't have children

You obviously don't have children.

Yes, I'm talking to you, the people who were staring at me yesterday in Walmart as my child SCREAMED at the top of his lungs. Yes, you, the people who were trying to pick out the perfect birthday card for your perfect nephew, because, of course he's perfect.... You don't see him everyday. You see him on his birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving (along with all 40 of your other relatives who sit around clammoring for the dry turkey, crispy skin and liquid fat talking about how you REALLY need to get together more often) and maybe a picnic here and there during the summer. I'm talking to you, the women who were trying to decide which casserole dish to buy...the 8x8 or 8x11 (you really do need one of both, ladies, c'mon). I'm talking to the man in the cookie aisle who was obviously so distracted from choosing his 4th box of Keeblers that he had to turn and go the other direction in the aisle from me (It's Keebler dude, they all taste the's fudge covered something or another).

He's 3. Okay? I wasn't proud, but he was pissed off that he couldn't have the entire sheet of stickers when the poor Wally World greeter tried giving him 1. Meldown ensued, and there was no stopping the train of tantrum that the entire store heard coming their way. I held my ground, was firm, did not give in, but I had to get an anniversary card. I could get out without anything else but I had to buy the damn card. I did what I needed to do as quickly as I could, and I'm sorry that I inconvenienced you. Believe you me, I was inconvenienced myself.

Let me explain this.... You were bothered for a mere 30 seconds as I plowed by you, screaming child in tow. Sure, you may have heard him in the distance (say, sporting goods), but I did my best to make sure that other patrons did not have to put up with his spinning head for long. I, on the other hand, had to deal with your cold looks and whispers. I had to deal with you judging me as a parent based off of 30 seconds. I had to pick up the chips he tossed across the check out line and abandon my cart with a few things I needed. I then had to buckle this child into his car seat while he stiffened straighter than a board and continued to scream and cry as though I were beating him. Then, I had to ride 15 minutes home with him screeching at ear-peircing levels while trying to pretend I didn't hear him at all. I had a hell of an afternoon. It was a MAJOR inconvenience to me, so consider your 30-second blipit into my life nothing by comparison.

But he is 3 and he is going to have his moments. I can say this now that the storm has calmed and he is back to being his pleasent, polite, sweet self. Parenting sure is interesting, you take the good with the bad and love them regardless. And since yesterday, I've made a promise to myself to try and not judge others.

But you, people who made me feel like obviously don't have children.

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